Wednesday, January 29, 2014

To dive or not to dive

When I was a kid we used to go to a public swimming pool in the summer.
The pool was huge and so deep that we couldn´t reach the bottom.
This was because of the diving boards and platform that they had to dive out of.
The diving boards were pretty high but it was the platform that went the highest – it had three levels, the first of which was around 2 metres high.
My friends and I constantly jumped off the first level – strange thing is, no matter how often I jumped off it, I always got butterflies in my stomach before taking the leap.
The second level was higher, and I can honestly say that I didn´t jump off it too often. Most of the times that I did, I was normally dared – by friends who wouldn´t then jump after me.
Then there was the third level.
I only knew of two or three friends that jumped, it was high and it scared the living daylights out of me.
We kids had a golden rule back then – if you climb up, the only way down is into the pool. It was utmost humiliation to chicken out and go back by the stairs.
I only jumped once.
I didn´t want to go but I didn´t want to back out of a dare.
I climbed up slowly, I knew that on the second level I still had time to chicken out but I felt I had no choice – so I climbed to the next level.
The world seems different from up there – colder, windier and more silent.
I didn´t want to jump – but I knew I couldn´t turn back.
So I took a deep breath and braced myself.
Every second before I hit the water felt like an eternity… I hated every second of it.
Coming up was just as long and just when I thought I was about to run out of air, that´s when I came up.
I heard the cheering and the clapping of hands of my friends – I knew I was going to spend the rest of the day riding my victory wave but I swore to myself never to jump from the third level ever again.

That´s how I feel.
Like I’ve been pushed to the third level and that I have no choice but to jump.
This is not what I want, this was not in my plans but it´s like I’m left without a choice.
I know I can live with the humiliation of turning back but I know how miserable i´ll be admitting defeat and have the next twenty or thirty years being bullied by the person behind me.
He´ll say “you can´t jump, so you´re going to have to go back and stay back”
But I can jump – I don´t want to.
Neither of us do.
But it´s like standing there while it gets later and colder and soon we´re going to have to make a decision.

Either way I lose.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Back to the drawing board...

Can't say i'm too surprised to find myself here again... clear "page" and blinking cursor... it's like revisitting an old friend and all the melancholy that comes with it.
It's a sign that I can hear myself think again in the bittersweet silence.
The universe just reminded me that no shrink, friend or loved one really gives a flying fart what you think as long as you change your opinion in their perspective.
If I keep doing things like i'm supposed to, when do I get to do the things I like?
Nevermind that question, it's not like i know the things I like to do, I get them confused with what i'm supposed to be doing and liking it that most of the time I can't tell them apart.
But today i'd love to figure out why i'm so inarticulate.
Although the pen is mightier than the sword, the concepts all come from the same place don't they?
So why is it that I can read what I say, hear what i say - fully understand the message but it comes across as giberish?
Could it be that the receptor isn't interested in the message?
Now that can't be right? Why would I try to relay a message to someone who doesn't want to understand?
My bad... I keep forgetting that I'm the one that can't get my message across.
In my defense, it's not easy to speak to someone thats screaming at you especially when you try talk about the big picture and they won't get off the missing paintbrush.
I am the problem, I know this because I kept being told that i am problem and apparently I'm too ignorant to see what everyone else sees but me.
But I know I'm not insane,
For now I just know that I should never have stopped writing.